Rampa Prenestina
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Activities for the 2018 social year

Conducted and coordinated by Sebastiano Spinella.

Individual lessons for learning instruments such as accordion, guitar, violin, wind instruments, percussion, and ensemble music sessions. 10 participants, aged 12-18.
Lessons on the restoration, repair, and tuning of musical instruments, such as bellows instruments (accordion, concertina, bandoneon, reed organ) and string instruments (guitar, mandolin, bass, both acoustic and electric). Piano technology and tuning. 4 apprentice luthiers, 2 Romani and 2 Italians, aged 15 to 22.
Ensemble music workshop for adults, with 7 participants.

“Roots and Wings”
Conducted and coordinated by Ursula Mainardi

The workshop is a series of meetings focused on Romani cultural traditions and storytelling, aimed at a small group of teenage girls from the Romani camp of Gordiani. It seeks the creative exploration of identity and the unique talents of each participant, an essential experience for all young people, but especially for those in complex and challenging educational situations, living in a dual and sometimes contradictory reality (Romani life and culture, and being born in Italy).


A creative workshop focusing on manual crafts, jewelry, and accessories, aimed at girls and women.

The activity is geared towards setting up a sales booth at local markets and social events. The proceeds will be partially allocated to the families of the participants and partially to cover the workshop’s expenses. There are 5 participants, aged 9-15, with a gradual increase in numbers.

Conducted and coordinated by Ursula Mainardi. The workshop has showcased its creations at various markets and events in the local area.

Note: These three workshops are mainly aimed at and attended by minors from the Romani community of Via dei Gordiani, but they are open to the general public and include several non-Romani young people.

The principle (which for us is non-negotiable) of free access to the activities, which are based solely on the voluntary work of the instructors, does not allow for the accommodation of more participants, who currently number around 25, including minors and young adults.


Mechatronics combines mechanics, electronics, and bicycles. The workshop repairs electric and non-electric bicycles, computers, electronic devices in general, and audio systems. To enhance environmental sustainability, Mechatronics promotes recycling materials, recovering non-functional devices, and lightweight mobility. In this perspective, it has set up a rehearsal room, equipped with a completely refurbished sound system, which is made available to the musical workshop of I.T.S. Di Vittorio Lattanzio.

It has 7 participants from high schools, 3 of whom are involved through a school-to-work program.

Coordinated and conducted by Antonio Guarino, an electronics technician, in collaboration with Claudia Tifi, a bicycle mechanics technician.


A music workshop open to students as part of the P.T.O.F. of the “Di Vittorio–Lattanzio” High School. The workshop offers introductory activities for guitar, piano, and singing. Participants have worked on a repertoire of songs that were presented at the school’s end-of-year celebration in June 2018. Led by Sebastiano Spinella.


A.P.S. Rampa Prenestina participates in the “Nino torna a scuola” project, by Casa dei Diritti Sociali, which provides small scholarships to support young people looking to redirect their studies. A.P.S. acts as an intermediary between the youth and the C.D.S. Two scholarships within the “Officina Musicale Sarabanda” project were confirmed for 2018. With the help of two National Civil Service volunteers, the following bi-weekly workshops were activated from November 2017 to June 2018:

  • School support for Romani minors in middle school. 7 participants.
  • Study support for driver’s license exams for young adults. 5 participants.
  • Support in drafting personal resumes.
  • Internet use for job placement.
  • Activated acting workshop: 3 meetings between 2017 and 2018 for the film project “Lala” by director Ludovica Fales (Transmedia Production) with young people from the Salone and Gordiani Romani camps, as well as second-generation immigrants from various backgrounds. 20 participants.

Participation in the “Roma Heroes International Storytelling Festival” in Budapest with the creation “Children of the Wind,” by and with Sebastiano Spinella, a story based on experiences within the camp at Via dei Gordiani. May 2018. (This event led to a European partnership for 2019 with Hungary, Romania, and Spain.)

English language workshop activated.

Home-schooling Workshops: Little Circus and Theater, organized by Eloheh Terra dei Bambini.

Partnership in the PEPE Project by Cemea del Mezzogiorno. Related activation of a National Civil Service program for a young person from the Gordiani camp, out of three applications submitted.

Participation in the STORY_S project – “Springboard to Roma Youth Success.” Empowering young people to recognize and combat the origins of discrimination. European Commission for Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020/ University of Bergamo. A series of meetings and workshops held both on-site and off-site. 10 participants.

Participation in the “Building the Totems of Solidarity” project by the cultural association Lignarius – Art and Restoration and the Lazio Region. 1 confirmed participant, activities began in March 2019.

May 2019: Partnership launch in the “Roma Heroes” project, sponsored and funded by the European Community under the Erasmus+ programs. The project involves the creation of a training module on the topic of anti-Romani discrimination in the form of an artistic workshop. Partners include associations from Hungary, Romania, and Spain.